Asher Niederman

Niedermann Andor Áser

Born on 18.11.1926 in Ungvár – Užhorod

Member of “Dror-Habonim”

At the age of 13, Asher apprenticed as a baker. At the age of 14 Asher joined “Hehalutz” in his hometown. In 1941 at the age of 15 he moved to Budapest, joined the hahshara of “Dror Habonim” (acting under illegal conditions) and worked in a bakery. After the German invasion (19.3.1944) into Hungary, Asher was called up to a forced labor camp. With the help of his movement he  escaped back to Budapest. After the “Arrow Cross” took power (15.10.1944) he joined the bunker in Hűvösvölgy. The bunker was discovered and its inhabitants were imprisoned and tortured in the central military prison in Budapest, from which they were liberated by a daring exploit by his comrades. He made aliya. Later emigrated to the United States, where he lives now.