Hanna Grünfeld

Ganz Anikó

Born in Salamás (Sarmaş) in 1923

Died on 7.11.1995 in Israel

Member of “Dror Habonim”

Hanna joined the movement in 1939. She stayed at the hahshara in Hátszeg (Ha†eg). She studied dental technology. In 1942 Hanna moved to Budapest and was a member of the “Dror Habonim” leadership.
In 1944, after the Germans invaded Hungary, Hanna was active within the framework of the tiyul, smuggling groups of Jews to Kolozsvár, Romania and often traveled from Budapest to the border. In May 1944 Hanna was caught and imprisoned for about two months. Later she was sent to Auschwitz. After the liberation Hanna returned to Budapest and resumed her activities in the movement. From 1946 to 1948 Hanna was the secretary of “Hehalutz”. In 1946 she attended the Zionist Congress in Basel.
In 1948 Hanna made aliya.