Hanna Minervi

Wertheimer Edith

Born in Debrecen on 1.8.1927

Died in Jerusalem on 11.1.2013

Member of “Hashomer Hatzair”

Hanna joined the movement at the age of eleven following her brother and sister’s example.
In May 1944, while she was living in the Debrecen ghetto, Hanna received from her movement forged documents which enabled her to escape only four hours before the ghetto gates closed. She arrived in Budapest and was active in the underground. Hanna was supposed to meet Pil (Moshe Alpan) in a public park and to recognize him by his stick and hat. She made a mistake and approached another man but, luckily, she was not taken to the police. At the end of June 1944 Hanna left Hungary on the Relief and Rescue Committee train. She made aliya and stayed in Kibbutz Eilon within the framework of Aliyat Hanoar. She resided in Jerusalem.