Joseph Golan

Fettmann József

Born in Nyirbátor in 1920

Died in 1995 in Israel

Member of “Hashomer Hatzair”

Joseph studied in a Yeshiva. In 1937 he founded the local ken of “Hashomer Hatzair”.
In 1941 Joseph moved to Budapest. In 1942 he took part in the organization and absorption of Slovak refugees who were members of the movement.
In 1943 Joseph was enlisted in a forced labour camp. He was freed in Vienna in 1945 while hospitalized with typhus. When he returned to Budapest, he became a central activist in the “Borohov Circle” (the political entity identified with “Hashomer Hatzair”).
Joseph made aliya. He was a journalist for the “Lamerhav” and “Davar” newspapers and the spokesman for the “Histadrut” and the Tel-Aviv Municipality.