Yitzhak Grosz

Gross Ernö

Born in Debrecen on 5.6.1924

Died in Haifa in 2013

Member of “Hanoar Hatzioni”

Yitzhak joined the movement in Budapest at the age of fourteen. In 1942 and 1943 he gave assistance to the refugees arriving from Poland. In May 1944 he was enlisted in a forced labour unit. Yitzhak escaped and joined the movement’s activities while equipped with forged Christian documents under the name of Cserkész Tibor. He distributed forged documents to the forced labour camps and to the Protected Houses. He was engaged in obtaining food which he delivered to the bunkers and the “Glass House”. After the liberation Yitzhak continued to organize Jews who were liberated from the extermination camps for aliya. He operated between Budapest and Bucharest. After the liberation Yitzhak took part in the organization of 200 Jewish children and accompanied them to Austria and Germany on their way to Eretz Israel (Palestine). In April 1946 he made aliya together with his wife Edit. He was one of the founders of the educational Institute in Alonei Yitzhak, where he and his wife worked for many years. He moved to Haifa where he still resides.